10 May, 2009

Kelly from Kenya sends more news

Here's another update from Kelly Campbell.

Yesterday morning the group boarded buses with the children from Child Discovery Center and headed into Lake Nakuru National Park for a safari. This was the first time in the park for most of the children. This was a special treat for both travelers and the children as they were able to spend time together and learn about the animals and conservation efforts at the same time. The group treated the 80 children to lunch and then parted ways.

In the afternoon, the group visited a local IDP (internally displaced persons) camp right outside Nakuru. We met over 255 people living, eating, and sleeping in one tent that leaked water when it rained. The welcome and hospitality was overwhelming. We danced, told stories, shared a meal, and got to know one another. The group also purchased and distributed much needed feminine hygiene products to the women. Our eyes were opened to the severity of the problems in Kenya and the immediate need to do something about it. We will be raising money to uplift this community and help turn the "tent" into a sustainable village with permanent houses, farm land, gardens, fruit trees, fresh water, and fair trade product.

The next morning, the group spent the day in Mwariki Village. We explored the village via foot and met with members of the new Heart to Heart Women's Cooperative. We learned about this new grassroots initiative and purchased newly made product from the 54 women involved.

We leave tomorrow morning to begin our journey to Eldoret. More coming soon!

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